Rio Sasaki, a gloomy boy who was treated badly by his mother Harumi, discriminated against as a handsome student by his homeroom teacher Kasumi, and hated by his childhood friend Chinatsu, has harbored hatred for women for many years. Norio, who learned how to control a woman at the “Misogi Office” in a certain building, made Harumi and Kasumi obey with his cock, and even touched Chinatsu’s virgin pussy and even Chinatsu’s mother, Naoko. extend. And, as a proof of dominance, he seeded four female pigs with thick sperm… Dark boy’s revenge harem training plan” is here!
URE-030 The Incredible Collaboration Of Torture And Rape, The Long-Awaited Live-Action Adaptation Of Hana Hook !! The Vengeful Harem Training Project Of A Gloomy Boy. Urekomi’s 3-Year Anniversary Title
Date: December 8, 2015
Duration: 03:28:00
Arare Nishiguchi / Ayumi Shinoda / Chisato Shoda / Masumi Takasaka) / Reiko Sawamura (Honami Takasaka
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