My son, Yuichi, bullies and injures Takashi, a boy who lives in the neighborhood. When her mother, Noriko (Natsuko Kayama), went to Takashi’s house to apologize, Takashi groped Noriko’s body. Noriko endures that she is acting like a child. However, her body was filled with the pleasure of a forgotten woman. When Noriko visits Takashi’s house again, Takashi’s mother, Kaoru (Shoda Chisato), who is completely dominated by her son, appears in front of her, and Noriko is trained into a lewd female pig by her distorted mother and child. It was going to be… Click here for disqualified me and my son’s female pig cuckold revenge play!
URE-014 Hana Hook Second Original Work In A Row!!! Would your Mother do This? My Son And I – A Sow’s Revenge Tragedy! Natsuko Kayama
Date: May 22, 2014
Duration: 03:00:00
Chisato Shoda / Natsuko Kayama
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