The world is experiencing an unprecedented “Hyakunin Isshu” boom. Yasuo, who lives next door, visits the Kayama family to ask Natsuko, who is accustomed to Hyakunin Isshu, to teach her. Natsu and Yasuo’s training continues from that day. One day, when Yasuo was trying to pick up a bill, he noticed something. To the fact that Natsuko isn’t wearing pants! Yasuo couldn’t hide his turmoil at the sudden development, but Yasuo’s No Panties Hyakunin Isshu continued to escalate day by day as he began to play around with Yasuo’s gaze.
OBA-263 The Wife Next Door’s Commando Temptation Natsuko Kayama
Date: April 2, 2016
Duration: 02:42:00
Natsuko Kayama
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