The first installment of a special collaboration project between the masters of the doujin world, Crimson x MOODYZ exclusive, Anri Okita! After 22 years without a girlfriend, Kamata, who has a smartphone that allows him to freely manipulate her body just by taking a picture of a woman, sets his sights on the female singer Anri! Anri’s enchanting body, which has been closed while having outstanding looks, gradually blooms due to the forced pleasure of the devil’s smartphone possessed by a disgusting man. A masterpiece completely written by the original Crimson! [Doujin] Original “Idol” Forced Operation-School Edition-” is here!
MIMK-016 Crimson *MOODYZ Special Collaboration Event, Idol Puppets~ Give Out Orders On Your Smartphone~ The Girl Who Must Obey Anri Okita
Date: January 9, 2014
Duration: 02:46:00
Anri Okita
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