Kenji, a young man who admires Nao, a beautiful married woman with attractive slender limbs who lives next door. One evening, Kenji, who saw a drunken Nao in front of the entrance, invited her to her home to take care of her while being embarrassed. Kenji, who was in estrus with Nao’s defenseless appearance that fell asleep on the bed, put her lips on top of her desire. An unfaithful relationship that was tied up by chance, a secret meeting signal that only the two of them knew, Nao hangs out a yellow handkerchief on the veranda today and invites her neighbors.
JUY-145 The Apartment Wife And Her Yellow Handkerchief Nao Wakana
Date: April 30, 2017
Duration: 01:56:00
Nao Wakana
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