Yukie Sera, who lives in Hyogo Prefecture, is 50 years old. A family of four, the husband of a company employee and his two daughters. Yukie works at a real estate company. “I was surrounded by rude people, and there weren’t many people I didn’t like. “Are you saying, ‘Ladies first?’ “I don’t have a piece of atmosphere as her husband and I don’t feel good at all.” I wanted to taste that pleasure again, so I came here to see how my daughter went to college. “Something’s wrong.” Yukie is happy to be surrounded by the Tokyo boys she’s always dreamed of. A fifty-year-old wife enjoys lovey-dovey sex that burns up in a date mood and is disturbed by a thick kiss! !
JRZD-916 Entering The Biz At 50! Yukie Sera
Date: October 10, 2019
Duration: 02:04:00
Yukie Sera
Center Village
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