“Chihiro” who attends a certain school in Tokyo is a dull student who is not good at both studies and sports. Her friends are fed up with her love affairs, such as “I had a joint party with a girl’s school student”, “I met an office worker and threw away her virginity”. However, she was not interested in sex, she was a sullen boy. The girl student that “Chihiro” cares about was “Sakura” in the same class. According to rumors, Sakura, who always stands alone, is a bimbo who is repeating a year and will let you do it if you approach her. #Yoro P
GVH-479 According To Rumors, The Busty J-kei In The Next Class Is Repeating A Year And Says She’ll Let You Fuck Her After School, Sakura Mita
Date: November 12, 2022
Duration: 02:07:00
Sakura Mita
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