A story about two mothers and children. Tatsuo Kazuki, a son who goes to a university in Tokyo and lives alone. His cousin Masaru Hoshi and his aunt Ayano Hoshi live in the house of his mother, Sakura Kagetsu, due to house renovation. In other words, he lives in Tatsuo’s parents’ house. One day, Tatsuo returned home as originally planned, but he couldn’t help but get sexually excited about his mother, and at the end of obscene delusions, he had sex many times and made a lot of vaginal cum shot. At the same time, Masaru was building a forbidden master-servant relationship with his own mother, Ayano, as his niece. And I witnessed the Kazuki family’s mother-to-child incest.
DTKM-038 Incest: Parent/ Child Swap I’ll Let You Fuck My Mom, So Let Me Bang Your Mom Sakura Kazuki Ayano Hoshi
Date: February 8, 2016
Duration: 03:20:00
Ayano Hoshi / Sakura Hanatsuki
Takara Eizo
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