Mitsuki, the daughter of a conglomerate in a certain prefecture, is a female student who plans to attend a university for young ladies. Her personal life is extremely wealthy, and she has grown up without knowing any dirt or hardships. One day, she attacks her father’s servant, Kita Gamituki, and takes her away. Kita had been dismissed by Mitsuki’s father for her work attitude, and in an attempt to clear her grudge, she laid her hands on Mitsuki. Kita, who has fallen into disrepair, is now a thug, and conspires with Kudo, a yakuza who is indebted to him, and messes up Mitsuki.
APNS-115 The Brutal Grooming Of A Young Lady. Her Confinement And Rape Until Conception… 30 Days Of Hell. Mitsuki Nagisa
Date: March 23, 2019
Duration: 02:09:00
Mitsuki Nagisa
Aurora Project ANNEX
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