Faithful live-action adaptation of Takasugikou’s original work “Sakukan”! ! Ryota, a son who felt happiness in the path he walked, even though his mother and son were struggling with their finances. One day, when he comes home from school, he sees his mother having sex with someone else. Moreover, the other party was Ryota’s best friend, Yuya. An urge he had never felt before begins to swirl inside him… At that time, Yuya’s mother sees Ryota and invites him into the house. Ryota, who was swayed by her unspeakable emotions, suddenly tried to push her down.
URE-049 Original Story By Ko Takasugi , The Master Of Fakecest Porn. Stealing Sex. Live-Action Adaptation Of The Story Of Beautiful Mothers Addicted To Immoral Fakecestuous Sex!!
Date: April 4, 2019
Duration: 03:39:00
Mio Kimishima / Yuko Shiraki
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