Akari, the daughter of a financial conglomerate in a certain prefecture, is a female student who plans to attend a university for young ladies. One day, a man who was her father’s servant, Kita, attacked Akari when she was on her way home from school and kidnapped her. Kita was dismissed by Akari’s father because of her poor work attitude. He took Akari to settle his grudge. Kita offers Akari to Kudo, a yakuza who is indebted to her, and does her lewd acts. Her healthy body and genitals are covered with semen, and Akari eventually turns into a lewd slave…
APNS-148 Breaking In A Young Lady 30 Days Of Hell Until Impregnation Akari Neo
Date: October 20, 2019
Duration: 02:04:00
Akari Neo
Aurora Project ANNEX
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