Momo, a female student who serves as a disciplinary committee member, visits the home of her shut-in classmate Yusei. However, the man who appeared was a man named Hirai, an active yakuza who has been on friendly terms with Yusei’s father, Kenta, since he was a yakuza. Kenta, who was guided by Hirai, tells Momo, “You should stop meeting because eugenics is trash,” but Momo doesn’t accept her words and she meets eugenics. As soon as Yusei sees Momo’s appearance, she slams her into the ground. And Kenta and Hirai also participated…
APNS-120 “My Reclusive Classmate And His Family Are Going To Rape And Impregnate Me… Every Day From Now On…” Momo Hazuki
Date: April 21, 2019
Duration: 02:13:00
Momo Hazuki
Aurora Project ANNEX
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