Anju, a full-time housewife, lives a wealthy life with her husband, who works for a foreign securities company, in a luxury apartment in Tokyo. Kudo, who lives in a cheap apartment near her Anju, is a factory worker who was diagnosed with cancer in her 50s and was given a life expectancy. One day, when Kudo crouched in pain on the street, Anju took care of him on the way home from shopping. Kudo, who was bound by her beauty and kindness, followed her, visited her Anju’s house, opened her door, kidnapped her when she appeared, and brought her to her home to fulfill her desires. As long as I can taste her set up… [※There is some disturbance in the image and sound]
APNS-079 The Hunted Married Woman She Was Suddenly Abducted, And Administered Deep And Rich Torture & Rape, Over And Over Again… And When I Was About To Lose All Hope, I Started To Lose My Mind… Anju Minase
Date: August 20, 2018
Duration: 01:31:00
Anju Minase
Aurora Project ANNEX
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