Yuka Harusaki, who decided to appear on Luxury TV this time due to “various circumstances” with her husband who runs a cram school. While she usually teaches at school, she also has a side of a wonderful wife who does housework when she gets home. When she hears the story so far, she wonders, ‘Why is she appearing in AV for ‘various circumstances’?’ The question becomes clearer when you get to know her personality. In her youth, she studied hard every day to become a teacher. Perhaps because she grew up with her strict parents, she didn’t have the idea of going out or going on dates at that time. From there, she became her teacher and lived a serious life, and was introduced to her current husband by her parents. In fact, her first experience was with her husband, and she was 31 years old and a late bloomer. At first, she said, “It was painful…” and the sex wasn’t pleasant, but now she is cultivating love with her husband at a high pace of 4 times a week. “I know only normal sex, but I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of self I can get to know through this shoot.” Please take a look at her first AV shoot, which is fascinated by her serious life.
259LUXU-968 Luxury TV 950
Date: May 23, 2018
Duration: 56:00
春咲結花 34歳 学校教師
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